Did you know that there is no Sami Art Museum?
And that there are over 1300 works by Sami artists that have been purchased by the Sami Parliament’s purchasing committee? These works are being stored in a 50 square meter collection in Karasjok.
We need a Sami Art Museum now!
The Sámi Dáiddačehpiid Searvi/Sami Artist Society (SDS) has through the decades worked to establish the Sámi Dáiddamusea/Sami Art Museum. Now the process is happening again and SDS are optimistic on behalf of Sami art!
The Cultural Ministry of Norway has now, through its mandate in the Sami Parliament, decided that the Sami Art Museum should be localised in Karasjok as a new building next to the Sámiid Vuorká-Dávvirat/Sami Collections’s (SVD) venue.
Even though SDS is very positive to the development, we also see challenges, which are mentioned in the annual meeting statement to the right.
SDS Press release of 22. June 2021
Sami art is on the rise – that is a good sign. It is incredible that the purchasing scheme for Sami art has received extra funds this year for purchasing the Sámi Dáiddamusea/Sami Art Museum, and its design process has already commenced. The location of the museum is Karasjok. SDS is looking forward to contributing constructively to the further process with our competence and network for the museum plans to be realised as quick as possible!
SDS is pleased that the Savio Award 2021 was awarded to Keviselie / Hans Ragnar Mathisen. Now, we can look forward to the award ceremony, which this year has moved from Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum/The Northern Norwegian Art Museum to the Tromsø Kunstforenings/Tromsø Art Society’s venues, and will take place during the opening of the award winner’s large solo exhibition on the 18th of September. The Savio Award, the most important art award for the Sami art world, will in a few years be handed out at the Sámi Dáiddamusea/Sami Art Museum!
In the Cultural Ministry of Norway’s proposal to the Museum Report, and the proposal’s chapter ‘Art in the North’, it is stated that the ministry wishes to contribute to expanding the area of the Sámiid Vuorká-Dávvirat/The Sami Collections (SVD) in Karasjok, in order to offer more space to the Sami Art Collection and its exhibitions.
We are calling for use of the term Sámi Daíddamusea/the Sami Art Museum in the textual basis of the report, and we firmly encourage the Parliament’s Family and Culture Committee to make it clearer that it is the realisation of the Sámi Dáíddamusea/Sami Art Museum that is called for.
Sámi Dáiddačehpiid Searvi/The Sami Artist Society supports the process of establishing and building the Sámi Dáíddamusea/Sami Art Museum together with the SVD, with enough area, and its own autonomous board and employees, both with representatives of art related educational backgrounds, who will mediate and manage the art of the upcoming Sámi Dáiddamusea/Sami Art Museum.
The Sámi Dáiddačehpiid Searvi/Sami Artist Society is looking forward to contributing constructively with competence and network in the further process.
See some of our artists here: https://samidaiddar.no/no/medlemsorganisasjoner/samisk-kunstnerkatalog/
Address: Samisk Kunstnerforbund/ SDS, SDR, Postal number 23, N-9735 Karasjok
Visiting address: Tanaveien 8, Karasjok
E-mail: post@Samidaiddar.no
Phone number: +47 78 46 70 06